Los productos principales de ACME, cortadoras de tubos láser y cortadoras de láminas láser, se venden bien en 60 países y regiones de todo el mundo. Lo siguiente es la distribución de nuestras regiones de ventas. Bienvenido a ponerse en contacto con con su Gerente Regional más cercano.
yes, it's gorgeous, it's going very well, l can't wait to start school.You totally won me over, l'm not sorry that l chose to work with you, l chose to work with Acme thanks to you because you offered full support and quickly, you were extremely well prepared professionally and that gave me confidence
Комментарии клиентов
Профессиональные технологии
февраль 13, 2023
Andrew pei informatique machine from Australia
Из Австралии
Профессиональные технологии
февраль 10, 2023
I would like to say thank you and must say, your expertise and hard work have had a significant positive impact on our operations.
Комментарии клиентов
Скажи спасибо
февраль 10, 2024
I would like to highight the noticeable improvement in the performance of our machinery since your engine rvisit . The macthine is now operatng more smoothly and eficienty , resulting in increased productity and reouced downtime.
Комментарии клиентов
Заметное улучшение
февраль 10, 2024
we are truly grateful for your technical assitance and the valuable insights you shared regarding cutting parameters for different materials. Your know.how has proven invaluable to our team. And there is huge sift of the cutting quality to the positive side!
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Хорошая команда
февраль 10, 2023
lf your colleague didn't come to make the settings and realize that the laser head is no good we wouldn't be able to start the machine and cut within normal parameters.By the way he's a great guy and a professional and we thank him for all the support shown.
Комментарии клиентов
февраль 10, 2023
3 lasers,1. Laser welding 2. Laser sheet metal cutting 3. Laser cutting pipes.Lotus from the technical support offered to packaging, delivery, commissioning was a 10.For the installation they sent me an engineer from China, at first l was skeptical that oneperson can install 3 equipment and do the training on all 3 and this time l was pleasantly surprised, ACME Laser sent me a quality engineer exceptional, a complete person who gotinvolved and made sure that the equipment is correctly installed and the people very well trained.
Комментарии клиентов
Принял решение о покупке 3 лазеров у ACME
февраль 10, 2024